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Any San Diego 游客可以乘渡船去 科罗拉多岛 漫步在 科罗纳多酒店这是一座维多利亚时代宏伟的海滨堡垒. You can also spend the night in one of 400 rooms beneath its red-shingled roof and towering cupolas, 或者在它的八家餐厅之一用餐.

但如果你想深入了解为什么总统, princes and celebrities have fawned over this Queen Anne beauty since 1888, 你会想和客务经理科里·门诺蒂谈谈.

Menotti, 54, has patrolled the 科罗纳多酒店’s stately lobby and sparkling white sand beaches for nearly two decades. 他知道这房子的各个角落, crannies, 还有秘密地点, including the main turret’s circular staircase and the basement steam tunnels. He’s even seen the much-rumored side tunnel extending to Glorietta Bay.

“各种各样的东西都从那个隧道涌上来, including Cooper's barrels full of beer from the breweries down in Tijuana and whiskey from Canada,” he says. “在禁酒令期间,当客人在 Crown Room 想要一杯酒, they would ring a buzzer and the boys would shimmy up the liquor on a pully system. The Hotel Del was known as the ‘wettest’ resort on the West Coast.”

Prohibition ended in 1920, but the Crown Room retains its allure. Its 33-foot-high domed ceiling and crown-shaped chandeliers make it a coveted wedding and event venue.  

Menotti的办公室在酒店大堂, 一个由白橡木柱子装饰的高大空间, 彩色玻璃窗, 华丽的木制品, 还有一个下垂的枝形吊灯.

“We play jazz and swing music from the 1930s and 1940s,” Menotti说. “穿过大厅就像走进了古老的加州, 一个几乎不存在的地方. 人们感觉自己被时空穿梭了.”

Despite the interior elegance of this National Historic Landmark building, Menotti说 the best way to get to know the Hotel Del is to walk the beach.

他说:“我对美丽的德尔比奇赞不绝口。. “It fits that vision that you have of Southern California, that vision of a perfect beach moment. You can dip your toes in the sand, or get a cocktail and fish tacos at the beach bar它看起来像一个小草屋. You can listen to one of our guys strumming on the ukulele and singing.”

Menotti还建议在酒店的花园漫步. “当我在操场上散步时,我被迷住了. There are so many beautiful features that are holdovers from the old days—the coral trees, 春天开着美丽的粉红色花朵的蚕树, and a 130-year-old dragon tree that Marilyn Monroe wiggled in front of during the 1958 filming of 有些人喜欢热的.”

这片土地上有许多鸟类, Menotti说, from hummingbirds zipping among the flowers to egrets nesting in the Norfolk pines and pelicans soaring above the surf. “It’s amazing how 28 acres of open space yields so much diversity,” he says.

游客也喜欢参观科罗纳多岛田园诗般的市中心. “Coronado 梅伯里和马里布在这里相遇,”梅诺蒂说. “It’s a beach town with swank, great style and an old-time flavor that can’t be beat. 当你走进小镇,在餐馆喝杯咖啡时, 克莱顿咖啡店, everybody will either know you or make friends with you right away.”

Coronado has more than 50 eateries, most clustered around palm- and citrus-lined 橙色大道. Menotti的最爱包括欧洲烘焙 Tartine,法国小酒馆 Chez Loma,以及早午餐热点 The Henry.

为了解渴,他建议 科罗纳多酿酒公司. “我很喜欢他们的烈性黑啤酒, 波特和黑啤, 我的搭档很喜欢他们的比尔森啤酒. San Diego is the land of beer—every neighborhood has its own brewery—but Coronado Brewing is our favorite.”

Another way to immerse yourself in Coronado’s charm, Menotti说, is to walk or pedal the Bayshore自行车专用道路 到科罗纳多桥观景台 受潮地区公园. From the island side, the bridge’s curved steel ribbon frames a San Diego skyline vista.  

这也是Menotti的通勤路线. “每天我开车经过那座桥去上班的时候, 我看到那美丽的沙堡从海浪中伸出来, I think, wow, 我是世界上最幸运的人. 我每天都要去科罗纳多酒店.”




在水里玩耍: Most people don’t have the ocean and the bay right in their backyard, 所以当他们来到科罗纳多, 他们应该以某种方式出海. Go to 海景船租赁公司 and rent a boat, Jet Ski, or kayak, or find a chartered tour that’s right for you. Go to the 渡船着陆 坐渡轮往返于圣地亚哥. Rent a surfboard and go out surfing—or just go look for mermaids.

Shopping: 橙色大道 是浏览和散步的好地方吗. There are all kinds of little shops that sell everything from beautiful one-of-a-kind dresses to trinkets. 对于女性时尚,有个很棒的地方叫 蓝海精品店. 也有 Bay Books我喜欢这本书,因为我是一个狂热的读者. 对于宠物主人来说,有一家可爱的宠物用品店叫做 摇尾巴大道上的 卖狗粮和玩具的. 甚至还有一家橄榄油店叫 科罗纳多油的味道. I got a beautiful bottle of oil that I just finished up about two days ago, 所以我得再进去一趟. 你可以买一件新泳衣或一副太阳镜 蓝色牛仔裤和比基尼. 如果你想买科罗纳多纪念品, La Camisa is at the 渡船着陆.  

约会之夜晚餐bbin游戏官网隔壁就有一家法国餐馆 Chez Loma. 那总是一个好去处. It’s inside a beautiful old Victorian house, so the setting is romantic and lovely. You step inside and you walk from the kitchen to the back room to the parlor. You can sit in the main dining room or be seated in a side room with a group of friends or someone special. If you want to sit down with a nice glass of Chardonnay and some escargot, what better place than in an old Victorian with tablecloths and candles and a lovely ambiance.

Bakery在岛的尽头有一家很棒的面包店, Tartine. 我总是偏爱好吃的羊角面包,他们的简直太完美了. I usually get the plain ones, but every once in a while, I can’t say no to a chocolate or almond one. 这家面包店有甜食和咸味食品. It’s European in style but it's got that Southern California flip to it—there’s always something made with pears or something else that’s fresh from a local orchard.

户外的壁画: If people are interested in art and a little adventurous, I send them to 巴里洛根 在科罗纳多桥的底部,他们会在那里找到 奇卡诺人公园. The park has the largest concentration of Mexican-American murals in the world, 100多幅画作. 这是圣地亚哥最美的代表. The murals show scenes of Aztec warriors and Chicano leaders and artists, 比如塞萨尔·查韦斯, Frida Kahlo, Che Guevara, 和潘乔·维拉. 在这个公园和它的艺术背后有一个不可思议的故事, about how it was created by people who were trying to save their 巴里洛根 neighborhood when the Coronado Bridge was being built in the late 1960s.


